Heart of Stone Read online

Page 18

  “Would you do it again,” I asked her, “knowing what you know now?”

  Sorrow flitted across her face. She concentrated on the path in front of us, unable to answer.

  I didn’t press.

  “I am sorry for bringing you here,” I said, wanting her to understand. “There is someone I love . . . Thanatos has him...”

  She tossed me a resigned smile, appearing regal and dignified despite the sheen of sweat and grime on her face. “We do what we must for those we love. I would not choose to save you over my sister.”

  And somehow the fact that she got it did not make me feel better, it only made me feel worse.

  “Besides, I made my choice. In the end, this was always meant to be my final destination.”

  “How much has Mel told you about the world?”

  “Only a little, the passage of time, the War of the Pantheons...”

  We slipped into an easy silence, climbing higher and passing the Fields of Punishment. “Thalia,” I began, trying to put my emotions into words. “Whatever happens... If I can help you, I will. I will try.”


  The Maritime Alps


  “Yes, my lady.”

  “And have the seeds been sown?”

  “They have. Sebastian Lamarliere will return to us for answers at the time you predict, I am certain.”

  And her vision would unfold as she first saw it centuries ago. “Your service has been exemplary, Advisor.”

  “Thank you, my lady.”

  “And how fares our resident Greek god this day?”

  “The same. Unresponsive, uncaring of the things we do to him. He mourns, still. I,” the advisor hesitated.

  “Speak, child.”

  “I believe he will never fully recover from his loss.”

  Lamia’s smile was merciless. “And his unfortunate loss is our gain, is it not?” The advisor dipped her head in supplication. “You have doubts, Advisor.”

  “No, my queen, this is the right path, as you predict. Our spy within New 2 is certain Archer will fight on the side of the gods when he is grown. The Novem and the gods work together to this end. We must prepare for this inevitability.”

  And yet her advisor still had doubts. No, not doubts, Lamia thought as she looked at the advisor’s bowed head. Sadness.

  “You always knew this would be the outcome,” she reminded her.


  Lamia saw into the heart of her advisor, and knew it to be true to the cause. A little sadness was to be expected; thus, she’d allow it. But only to a degree.


  THE MOOD WAS QUIET. The only sounds were the shuffle of our feet and the rocks that bounced down the path, loosened by our weight as we climbed. Occasionally the quiet was broken by a far off scream or the hoot of an owl--birds sacred to Hades.

  We crossed the field of poppies to the Gates of Erebos.

  As we passed beneath the great black arch, Thalia paused at the stream. Mel cautioned her not to drink, but she remained there, gazing down, contemplating, considering her options.

  I wouldn’t fault her if she drank.

  Forgetfulness would take away the pain, the torture, the price Thanatos would illicit from her. It’d certainly steal some of his thunder. Hard to be angry at someone who stands before you unable to remember their own name or anything else that has ever transpired in their life.

  Thalia would lose everything important to her. She'd cease to be Thalia and become just another lost shade roaming the Asphodel Fields.

  Her gaze lifted. “Maybe I want to forget.”

  We didn’t try to talk her out of it, didn’t sway her one way or another. It was her choice, her life to give.

  Thalia didn’t drink.

  “Come on,” I said, clapping her lightly on the shoulder as she rejoined us, her eyes glassy and emotional. Thalia had already given her life once to her sister, I was glad she didn’t give it a second time to the river.

  Eventually the beautiful, eternal nighttime vista of Erebos came into view. With each step, my dread increased and my blood pressure rose.

  Once we were inside Thanatos’ black palace and headed to his palatial hall, my nerves sharpened and my heart thundered. Gray flames flared in the basins on the dais steps announcing our arrival. There was no need for Mel to slam her staff on the hard stone floor because Thanatos was sitting on his throne like some dark king of old, waiting and watching us with the intensity of a hawk, his big body angled to one side, his jaw propped up by his fingers.

  His black eyes glittered in the gray light and locked on Thalia with laser precision.

  As we drew closer, his nostrils flared and his hand slowly dropped from his face. Both of his large hands slid over the arms of his throne and cupped the rounded ends.

  My pulse pounded in my ears.

  Two more figures appeared from black mist, standing on the dais next to the throne. A god who could be none other than Hypnos, though he was paler than his twin, and his wife, the grace Pasithea. Anticipation shone in her eyes like a welcoming beacon in a stormy sea. Her blue eyes, almost identical to Thalia’s, held so much hope and happiness. Her husband yawned and gave her hand a squeeze.

  Nyx appeared next with Archer in her arms. This was a momentous occasion for the entire family it seemed.

  But it would only make things that much harder. Thanatos was not going to be thrilled learning he’d been duped in front of everyone.

  “Pasithea?” Thalia breathed, stopping suddenly.

  The grace on the dais cried out happily and raced forward, enveloping Thalia in her pale arms. I started counting down in my head, knowing it was coming. It didn’t take long for Pasithea to leaned back and frown at Thalia. I watched it, wincing, the realization dawning in the grace’s eyes, followed by the short burst of confusion, and then the horror as she grasped the ramifications. She uttered a simple and very horrifying, “Oh, no.” Tears sprang to her eyes. “Thalia, what have you done?”

  Indignation slid into me. What had she done? It was Euthymia who had started it all, had put all this drama in motion, and I felt an intense need to set the record straight. I would have had Mel not grabbed my arm.

  Completely lost in panic mode, Pasithea spun around and threw out her arms shielding Thalia from view, which didn’t help the situation at all.

  Thanatos unfolded his body from the throne, rising like some black dragon, ready to breathe ghostly fire. Slowly, he stepped down and strode toward us.

  I held my breath as Violet’s shield crept up my neck, ready to cover me completely if necessary. Thanatos loomed over us, all six-feet-eight or so inches of death. My insides cringed. He went to brush Pasithea aside, but Hypnos appeared in front of him, completely awake now and as fierce as his twin.

  “Touch her, you die.”

  The room went utterly still. Except for Archer. He let out a happy coo before Nyx shushed him.

  Mel’s hand came in front of me and eased me back.

  A heart pounding moment passed before Thanatos lifted a sardonic black brow and cocked his head, his smile lethal. “Remove your wife,” he said in the softest, coldest tone I’d ever heard.

  Hypnos faced his wife, his fierce expression going soft. He took her arm gently. She was crying, begging, but still he coaxed her away. It was hard to watch, her grief palpable.

  When the grace was gone, Thanatos stared down at Thalia with merciless eyes, knowing exactly what had happened.

  The grace drew in a deep breath, squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. If she was going to die, she was going to do what her sister could not, look death in the eye.

  My throat went thick, tears swimming in my eyes, as my respect for her shot through the roof.

  “Where is she?” he demanded in a harsh, bitter tone that echoed in the chamber like thunder.

  Thalia opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. She cleared her throat. “I know not, my Lord. I’ve only just awakened.”
  “Tahl-ee-ah,” he sampled her name on his lips, tasting it on is tongue with all the relish of a warrior tasting the last drop of lifeblood from his greatest enemy.

  Watching the rage build in Thanatos was like watching a tsunami swell. There wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it. It grew bigger and bigger and bigger until it loomed over us. Black mist gathered in the room. He was at a breaking point, my heart was in my throat, and I was frozen in fear like everyone else the room.

  Even Nyx looked a little worried. She put a protective hand over Archer, cuddling him to her chest as Thanatos’ rage burst. Huge black wings shot up and unfurled with an angry snap as he threw his head back and let out a vicious roar that shook the rock. The black marble at our feet split with a thunderous crack.

  I stumbled as the floor threw me off balance. Quickly, I glanced at Thalia. She hadn’t moved. Just stayed there in front of him, taking it.

  Shit. I couldn’t let her do this. I bit my lip. There was no time to think anything through. No time.

  “Violet, to Thalia,” I whispered. “Do it now.”

  Violet’s black armor dissolved and in an instant reappeared, covering Thalia quicker than I’d ever seen before and more freaking awesome, too. Violet had pulled out all the stops. Thalia was now a helmed warrior from hell ready to do battle.

  Thanatos’ eyes snapped to me, his pupils narrowing to fine points. “Think you to take away my vengeance!” he bellowed, moving toward me, pointing at Thalia as she lifted her arm to look at the armor. “Remove it!” he commanded me.

  I held up my hand, palm facing him, as I backed up a step. “Back off,” I shouted, terrified, “or I swear I will hit you with everything I have!”

  I flicked a glance to Nyx and Hypnos, knowing that at any moment, Nyx could end us all, but she stayed there on the dais, looking more curious to see how it would all play out than angry.

  Or she has every faith he can rip you in two before you blink.

  Mel gave me a very panicked and quite horrified “‘what the hell are you doing?” look.

  I shrugged, my eyes round with fear, as I faced Thanatos. “I’m not taking away your vengeance; I just want to talk, to explain. Look at her, for God’s sake! Look how brave she is.” I flung my hand at Thalia, growing angry on her behalf. “She gave her life for her sister’s happiness. Would you do that? Would you do that for your brother? And now she’s prepared to give it a second time to you. Who is more worthy a bride? You’re lucky Euthymia didn’t come to you, you’d have been miserable. She didn’t have the courage or the backbone. You were promised the wrong damn sister.” I pointed at Thalia. “She’s a better choice.”

  When I was done my rant, barely able to catch my breath, I looked at Thalia as Violet removed the helmet. Thalia stared back at me pale, her mouth agape, and her eyes big and full of betrayal.

  Oh my God. I searched my brain, not even realizing everything I’d said in my haste to stop Thanatos from killing Thalia. Shit. I hadn’t meant it. It just came blurting out.

  Thalia’s shock leapt right into anger. At me. Then, she swung around to Thanatos and said quickly. “I accept my punishment. I am ready to die.”

  I stepped forward, shoving Thalia out of the way. “She is not.”

  She shoved in front of me. “I am!”

  “Enough!” Thanatos glowered at us both. “Thalia will get her wish.”

  “No, please, Thanatos,” Pasithea cried. “Please reconsider.” She went down on her knees in front of Nyx. “Mother Night, please. Please intervene. Please, I beg you.”

  She touched Pasithea’s hair, sorrow filling her dark eyes. “I cannot.”

  Thalia once again squared her shoulders. I never knew anyone with such a death wish, and it really ticked me off. Thanatos stared at her for a long time, a flicker of respect for Thalia passing through his eyes. Maybe he was considering my words, seeing her in a different light.

  I held my breath.

  “You would rather drink from the river?” Than have me. He didn’t say it, but that’s what he meant.

  I swear if she didn’t save her own hide, I was going to kill her.

  She glanced at me, unsure, her eyes glittering. “That is my fate, yes.”

  “No!” I yelled. “That is not true! Don’t listen to her!”

  “No, you’re done talking,” Thanatos snapped at me, his face so dark I stepped back. “If you do not remove your shield. I will take my ounce of flesh wherever I can get it.”

  And death did not relent. Ever.

  Rage flared his nostrils as cruel light narrowed his eyes and drew his attention to Archer.

  Bastard. Power leapt to my fingertips. He wouldn’t.

  Nyx stiffened, cradling Archer’s head against her chest, her gaze locking on Thanatos and holding, the dark wrath sliding over her features like the bleakest, blackest winter night. Thanatos did not back down. Tension and energy crackled between the two ancient beings, a test of wills of extraordinary proportions.

  Thanatos was going to claim his vengeance one way or another...

  Running footsteps echoed in the chamber.

  Everyone turned as Sebastian slid to a stop in the hall, out of breath, sweaty, beautiful, ready for anything. Time slowed to a crawl, as if wanting me to remember this moment to feel the dawning horror as it burrowed into my body and threaded slowly and unmercifully toward my heart where it wrapped around and around and around.

  And squeezed.


  God, no.

  Caught in slow motion, I swung back to Thanatos and saw the realization in his hard eyes. He knew, he saw my emotions. I’d taken Thalia’s death away from him, so he was going to take Sebastian away from me. With brutal resolve and a glint of regret, he was on a path he couldn’t stop now even if he wanted to, even if part of him knew it was wrong. Time had caught up, too fast, too unrelenting to alter.

  I totally lost it, a scream building my throat as my power surged from my hands in a great, desperate rush.

  In an instant, Thanatos disappeared in a cloud of black mist before my power hit him.

  As I spun, trying to follow his trajectory, I saw Violet’s shield slip from Thalia and fly to Sebastian. I saw Mel’s staff burst with glowing light as she aimed at Thanatos’ black mist and ran. My power blasted out of me once more, hard and painful, arching my back and making me scream.

  But Thanatos was already there, dematerializing, a huge avenging angel, black wings unfurling as a smoky-black sword grew in his hand. He was already swinging downward before anyone could blink, before I could get off another blast, before Violet could get there, before Mel or her burst of ghostly light could reach him.

  Before Sebastian could protect himself.

  The sword sliced down in a great diagonal arc, cutting Sebastian open from collar bone to hip.

  What immediately followed was a chaotic daze.

  Violet encased Sebastian to his neck in a thick, body hugging membrane. Mel, who had been racing to intercept Thanatos, slid to her knees in shock. And my power and Mel’s slammed into Thanatos’ great wings.

  He whirled as our combined force exploded around him. His eyes had gone completely black, his face pure death. His wings stiffened as he took a menacing step toward me. And then they began to lighten and grow hard, turning to stone. He threw back his head and roared in raw fury, intent on bathing the black walls in red.

  Nyx appeared behind her son, her gown and hair billowing, her body hovering above the floor, her presence a hard, unbending force as she manifested a sword of light and brought the starry blade down in a swift, sure slash that severed Thanatos’ wings from his back before my power could reach into his body.

  They fell with a deafening crash, his bellow deep and hoarse as he fell to his knees, head bent, black hair floating gently over his face, his great shoulders shaking, his breath heaving in and out.

  Nyx landed on her feet behind him, her face grim and beautiful and hard.

  And I just stood there.

>   Sinking.



  Fat tears fell in hot streams down my face. My arms were limp at my sides.

  Then I was moving, gliding over the floor as though already a ghost, a reflection of what I once was, not stopping until I fell to my knees by Sebastian’s body. Quietly, I gathered him, slipping a hand beneath his head. His hair was damp, but the sweat was cold now. I pulled him close to my chest, one arm tightly around his back, the other cradling his head. Thanatos’ blade was no ordinary blade. There was no coming back from it. No coming back. His scent filled me. I buried my face in his hair and tried to stop the grief by telling myself it wasn't real, wasn’t real...

  His arm fell limp and lifeless, the back of his hand slapping against the cold stone floor.

  The sound rang in my ears with a finality that snapped something inside of me. The same instant, Sebastian’s body disintegrated in a cloud, leaving nothing behind but Violet collapsing on top of me.

  Wide eyes, shocked, she scrambled off of me. Her clothes and skin was soaked and smeared with blood. Tears swam in her eyes, her mouth hung open. “I tried to hold him together, I tried to hold him together, I tried...” Mel gathered her tiny body up as Violet began to wail, a heart-wrenching sound torn from deep inside of her and echoing through the chamber.

  Her grief mirrored the despair inside of me. On the outside, I sat there stunned, numb, eyes wide, unblinking, unfocused. While inside, I was imploding, breaking down, coming undone, splitting apart, shattering into a million pieces--sharp-edge, cutting, stinging, poison pieces.

  I swayed, unable to hold myself up, so I leaned over, put my elbows and forearms on the floor and bent over, drawing my knees into my chest and letting my forehead rest again the cold stone. My hands came to the sides of my head.

  Swirling, swirling poison pieces, they slashed and cut, filling me up, burning through my chest hot and angry. So angry. So fucking angry. It built and built until I was rocking, my fingers digging in my scalp, my throat rumbling in suppressed denials.

  Mouth open, tears splattering the stone, heart tight and pounding, I moaned against it, but it was too great, too big, too enraged to be contained, manifesting in a raw, agonizing, soul-destroying scream.